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15 March 2022
Press Release
The UK & UNFPA partner to enhance rights-based family planning in Iraq © 2021/UNFPA Iraq

The UK & UNFPA partner to enhance rights-based family planning in Iraq

15 March 2022, Baghdad, Iraq –The United Kingdom is investing US$ 19 million in the UNFPA multi-year programme on family planning in Iraq.  This new partnership will improve national policies and... Read more

14 March 2022

UNFPA hands over 11 women centres in Duhok to the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs

14 March 2022; Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq – UNFPA and its partner Harikar Organisation handed over 11 Women Community Centres to the Directorate of Labour and Social Affairs in Duhok.  The Women... Read more

8 March 2022

Statement by Dr. Natalia Kanem on International Women’s Day

Women and girls pay a heavy price during conflicts and emergencies.   More than 1.7 million people, mostly women and children, have now fled from their homes in Ukraine to neighbouring countries. For... Read more

7 February 2022
Press Release
© 2022/UNFPA Iraq

UNFPA, IOM, UN Women Support Strengthening Legal Frameworks for Female Survivors of Violence

7 February 2022, Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq - The Women Empowerment Department, in collaboration with the Arab Women Organisation, organised a two-day conference on 3-4 February to discuss the... Read more

4 February 2022
Iraq ahead of demographic dividend, not population growth or explosion

Iraq ahead of demographic dividend, not population growth or explosion

On 27 January, UNFPA Representative, Dr Rita Columbia, gave a statement to Al-Sabah newspaper about demographic dividend and the importance of putting robust, evidence-based, and people-centred... Read more

27 January 2022
The new commitment will focus on increasing access to services for gender-based violence survivors by establishing new women protection centres in Anbar, Basra and Mosul and refurbishing the existing women shelter in Baghdad.

France Contributes US$ 1.539 M for Women Protection Services through UNFPA Programmes in Iraq

27 January 2022; Baghdad, Iraq - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Iraq welcomes the French Government’s new contribution of US$ 1,539,000 to strengthen the prevention of and response to... Read more

27 December 2021
Evidence-based policies are the only way for us to achieve our commitments to the ICPD in Nairobi and achieve the SDG

Ministry of Planning, UNFPA launch results of the second Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health survey

27 December 2021; Baghdad, Iraq - The Ministry of Planning, the Central Statistical Organization and UNFPA launched today the results of the second Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health (IWISH)... Read more

26 December 2021
Once a space that reminded people of sorrow and pain, today is a place of hope and strength.

Once an ISIL Prison, today a safe space for young people; MOYS, UNFPA inaugurate Ramadi Youth Centre

26 December 2022; Baghdad, Iraq - The Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Governorate of Anbar and UNFPA re-opened the Ramadi Youth Safe Space on 25 December. The Youth Safe Space serves as a place for... Read more

22 December 2021
This initiative will empower adolescents and youth with disabilities, especially girls, to be active citizens and exercise their rights through education including life skills, livelihood and civic engagement.    

Finland Supports Youth with Disabilities in Mosul through UNFPA Interventions

22 December 2021; Baghdad, Iraq -  The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Iraq welcomes the Government of Finland’s new contribution of EUR 1,475,000 to the UNFPA programme in support of... Read more

21 December 2021
UNFPA and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers (COMSEC) signed a joint cooperation framework to move forward the ICPD agenda in Iraq ensuring that women live a life free of any form of violence © 2021/ComSec photo

UNFPA and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Partner to End Gender-Based Violence in Iraq

21 December 2021; Baghdad, Iraq - UNFPA and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers (COMSEC) signed a joint cooperation framework to move forward the ICPD agenda in Iraq ensuring that women... Read more
