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17 April 2014

April 2014: Launching the National Populating Policy in Iraq

17 April 2014; The Iraqi Higher Population Council, and in cooperation with UNFPA, launched the National Population Policy and the document of “... Read more

2 January 2014

More than 2,500 internally displaced Iraqis born in Duhok in two months

Erbil/ IRAQ— More than 40 babies are being born to internally displaced families every day in Duhok governorate within Kurdistan Region, official... Read more

1 February 2013

UNFPA Supports the Enhancement of Reproductive Health Services for the Syrian Refugees in the North of Iraq

As part of its mission to support “delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s positional... Read more

29 September 2012

News (September / October 2012)

Amman, 29th Sep - October 2nd 2012: Integration the National Strategy for Combating Violence Against Women in the Sectoral Plans
