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7 April 2021
On this year’s World Health Day, WHO, UNFPA and UNDP reiterate their commitment to helping communities across the country access quality services for a healthier and fairer Iraq.

Building a healthier, fairer Iraq

Crises like the ISIL conflict and COVID-19 have exacerbated inequalities in Iraq. Essential health services and infrastructure have deteriorated, and not everyone has had equal access to necessary... Read more

1 April 2021
Press Release

Japan Invests Additional US$ 607,500 for Life-Saving Maternal and Protection Services

1 April 2021; Baghdad, Iraq - The Government of Japan approved an additional US$607,500 to support the continuation of reproductive health and gender-based violence-related services provided by UNFPA... Read more

24 March 2021
Press Release

Ministry of Youth and Sports, UNFPA, ILO launch results of Youth Employability Survey: shows increased frustration among youth, need for private sector investments

Baghdad, Iraq; 24 March 2021 - The Ministry of Youth and Sports launched today the results of youth the employability survey, conducted in collaboration with the Central Statistical Organization (CSO... Read more

15 March 2021
 WFP/Mohammed Abbas

Ten years on, Syrian refugees’ lives in Iraq are growing tougher, and past gains might be lost.

Ten years on, since the advent of the Syrian crisis, life for Syrian refugee women, men, girls, and boys doesn’t get easier. In fact, with every passing year, it gets more difficult.  The United... Read more

14 March 2021
© 2021 UN Women & UNFPA All rights reserved

Kurdistan High Council of Women Affairs, UN Women, UNFPA Celebrate International Women’s Day

14 March 2021 – The High Council of Women Affairs in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, in partnership with UN Women and UNFPA, renewed its commitment to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda during... Read more

8 March 2021

Celebrate women leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response and beyond

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia Kanem International Women’s Day 8 March 2021 All over the world, women lead. They lead peace processes, run businesses, establish hospitals and... Read more

12 February 2021
 2021 © UNFPA Iraq Photo

Assessment Identifies Gaps at Reproductive Health Facilities in Iraq amid COVID-19

12 February 2021; Baghdad, Iraq –  The Central Statistical Organization (CSO) and the Kurdistan Region Statistics Office (KRSO), under supervision of both ministries of Health in Federal Government... Read more

8 February 2021
Silence and inaction are not an option

Silence and inaction are not an option - Female Genital Mutilation continues to risk the lives of girls and women

By Dr. Luay Shabaneh, UNFPA Arab States Regional Director A year ago, I had higher expectations and brighter hope that no more girls will die due to Female Genital Mutilation. I then believed no... Read more

8 February 2021

Ministry of Health Kurdistan, UNFPA open COVID-19 isolation unit at Soran maternity hospital

8 February 2021; Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq - The Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan Regional Government through the Directorate of Health in Erbil, with support from UNFPA opened a COVID-19... Read more

6 February 2021

2 million additional cases of female genital mutilation likely to occur over next decade due to COVID-19

Only united, concerted and well-funded action can end this human rights violation  Statement on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation 6 February 2021 UNFPA Executive... Read more
