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Request for Quotation No. UNFPA/IRQ/RFQ/16/007

Request for Quotation No. UNFPA/IRQ/RFQ/16/007


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Dear Sir/Madam,
We hereby solicit your quotation for the supply of the items named below and their delivery to different locations in Iraq, as specified below:

Item Description Specifications QTY Location
1 Caravan 8 X 4 meters
Split into 2 halves, one bathroom in each
First half: 4 X 4 meters – waiting area
Second half: 4 X 4 meters – examination room
Door between the two halves 5 5 Kilo PHC* Anbar
    Ta’ameem PHC* Anbar
    Hajjaj PHC* Salahuddin
    Dholoueya PHC* Salahuddin
    Leylan PHC* Kirkuk
2 Caravan 8 X 4 meters
First and second stage
Includes two washing basins
5 5 Kilo PHC* Anbar
    Ta’ameem PHC* Anbar
    Hajjaj PHC* Salahuddin
    Dholoueya PHC* Salahuddin
    Leylan PHC* Kirkuk
3 Caravan 8 X 4 meters
Recovery rooms
One latrine installed (1.5 * 1.5 meters)
4 5 Kilo PHC* Anbar
    Ta’ameem PHC* Anbar
    Hajjaj PHC* Salahuddin
    Dholoueya PHC* Salahuddin
4 Caravan 8 X 4 meters
Staff resting room
One latrine installed with shower (1.5 * 1.5 meters)
4 5 Kilo PHC* Anbar
    Ta’ameem PHC* Anbar
    Hajjaj PHC* Salahuddin
    Dholoueya PHC* Salahuddin
5 Caravan 4 X 4 meters
Storage room (only electricity and ventilation)
4 5 Kilo PHC* Anbar
    Ta’ameem PHC* Anbar
    Hajjaj PHC* Salahuddin
    Dholoueya PHC* Salahuddin

*PHC – Primary Health Center

For all caravans, electricity and water facilities to be installed (water tanks, electric wiring, sewage, etc). Electricity wiring should keep in consideration possibility of installing air condition.
Installation costs must be included – including cement base
1 normal door for each caravan
2 windows for each caravan

At least half of the goods are to be delivered maximum in 7 days upon issuing of the Purchase Order, and the rest within 15 days upon issuing the Purchase Order.  
The quotation shall be valid at least for 6 month after the closing date.

If you are interested in submitting a quotation for these items, kindly fill in the attached Quotation Form and send by email to the address indicated below:
Include the Request for Quotation number in the Subject: UNFPA/IRQ/RFQ/16/007

Please submit your quotation in USD currency. Conversion of currency into the UNFPA preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of competition deadline.

Your earliest response to this query would be highly appreciated, but not later than 10/07/2016, 17:00 (Iraq time).

Name of Contact Person in UNFPA: Mr. Zaid Al-Haddad
Tel. No.: +964 0771 114 4135
Email: al-haddad@unfpa.org

Note: Current UNFPA supplier policies apply to this solicitation and can be found at: http://www.unfpa.org/suppliers.