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Population and Development

Population and Development

Population and Development

Within the context of National Development Plan (2010 – 2014), and National Poverty Reduction Strategy, the “Population & Development” component aims to respond to Iraq’s challenges in area of Population-centered, evidence-based policy making, planning and monitoring processes, with particular focus on priority population issues, including population growth, migration/displacement and urbanization, as well youth development and gender equality.

Within this context, and through its different and interconnected outputs and interventions, the country Programme is aiming to:

  • Strengthen Population-related data collection, analysis, dissemination and utilization for formulation of policies and strategies, as well as for evidence- and right-based programming and monitoring;

  • Promote intersectoral policy dialogue, as well as advocacy and legislation through selected parliament committees on priority population issues and challenges.

UNFPA PDS Programme in Iraq: 2011-2014:

Iraq PDS is based on three pillars covering the dimension of information, research and policy development as follows:

  • Upgrading the capacity of the national statistical body represented by the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) and Kurdistan Regional Statistical Office (KRSO).

  • Support population policy formulation through supporting the National Population Commission that is composed of members from the Iraqi ministries, universities, research centers and NGOs.

  • Support research centers and academia to analyze population issues and identify their impact on development, through providing trainings and fellowship programmes i.e. Masters and PhD programmes.

In specific the PDS is planning the following interventions during the programme cycle 2011-2014:

  1. Population policies and strategies reflecting human rights based approach to programme implementation.

  2. Supporting the modernization of a National Statistical System to produce and disseminate reliable population data.

  3. Strengthening national institutions to implement and utilize data from the 2010 Census and surveys.

  4. Enhancing the analysis and utilization of data at national and sub national levels for good governance.

  5. Supporting the establishment and activities of inter-ministerial commissions to address population issues.

  6. Enhancing the capacity of parliamentary commissions to lead evidence-based advocacy efforts.

  7. Supporting research centers to analyze population issues and their impact on socio-economic development.

Previous/Ongoing Interventions in Iraq:

The PDS ongoing projects increased form one project in 2007 supporting the population census, to five projects in 2010. These projects will continue and are in line with UNFPA work plan in 2011-2014 as follows:

  • Capacity Development in Census and Large Scale Surveys Project.

  • Iraqi Women Integrated Social and Health (I-WISH) Survey.

  • Capacity Development to Establish a Socioeconomic Monitoring System in Iraq Project.

  • Iraqi Statistical System Modernization, part of the Public Sector Modernization Programme.

  • Population Policy Integration in the National Development Plans (NDPs).

National Partners (at Federal and Kurdistan Regional Government)

Ministry of Planning, CSO / KRSO, Selected Parliament committees, and University Research centers

UN Partners:

UNDP, UNESCO, ILO, League of Arab States