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Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics

Population Dynamics

UNFPA aims to Increase the national capacity for the production and dissemination of high-quality disaggregated data to inform policies and programmes and to promote the integration of population dimensions in development planning.

This programme output is linked to Outcome 4 of UNFPA’s Global Strategic Plan and contributes to the UNDAF outcome: Government capacity at national and subnational levels enhanced for evidence-based decision-making. The output also contributes to the National Strategic Plan priority of Population and Workforce. Strategies to achieve the output include:

a. Supporting the Central statistical Organisation to conduct large scale population-based surveys;
b. Upgrading national expertise to respond to population data needs and in-depth analysis in humanitarian settings;
c. Improving user-friendly data dissemination
d. Providing technical assistance in support of monitoring the sustainable development goals; and
e. Supporting the development of tools and mechanisms aimed at promoting integration and monitoring of population dynamics in development


Supporting Central statistical organizations to conduct large scale population-based surveys;
• Provide technical assistance for in-depth analysis of large scale surveys including the Iraqi-Women Integrated Social & Health Survey (I-WISH II)
• Support population data analyses
• Undertake routine IDPs assessments/studies

Upgrading national expertise to respond to population data needs and in-depth analysis in humanitarian settings;
• Train statisticians on population data generation and dissemination, analysis and management
• Support expert meetings humanitarian data generation and analysis

Improving user-friendly data dissemination;
• Revise the existing data dissemination tools

Providing technical assistance in support of monitoring the sustainable development goals;
• Support the national committee for population and development to monitoring and follow-up the progress indictors
• Support formulation of a list of humanitarian and SDGs national indicators reflecting national challenges and priorities

Supporting the development of tools and mechanisms aimed at promoting integration and monitoring of population dynamics in development;
• Develop Kurdistan Regional Population Policy and action plan
• Develop skills of national partners on integration of population issues into sectoral plans
• Support commemoration of major national and international days and events

UNFPA Partners: ·         Ministry of Planning, Central Statistics Office, Kurdistan Regional Government, National Population Commission, National and regional research institutions

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