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20 February 2020; Baghdad, Iraq – The Ministry of Planning will contribute IQD 6 billion (US$ 5 million) to UNFPA in support of the technical and procurements requirements for the Census

On 20 February, the Minister of Planning, Dr Nouri Sabah Al-Dulaimi, on behalf of the Government of Iraq, and UNFPA Representative in Iraq, Dr Oluremi Sogunro, signed today a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between both parties as part of US$ 17.2 million allocated for the technical requirements and expertise needed for the implementation of the 2020 Housing and Population Census.

“This memorandum of understanding is part the Ministry of Planning’s strategy to unite national and international efforts towards ensuring that the Census is executed on time and in line with its developmental goals,” said Dr Al-Dulaimi, adding that the Census will provide accurate data which will enable the Government to put in place evidence-based policies to improve the livelihoods of the Iraqi citizens and move forward towards achieve sustainable development in Iraq.

The Minister thanked UNFPA for its continuous efforts and support to the Ministry of Planning’s project in Iraq, commending the valuable partnership.

Dr Sogunro expressed his gratitude for the Government’s trust in UNFPA: “We thank the Minister for his trust and today we reiterate our commitment to continue the provision of all the technical expertise, as well as human resources and procurement needed for the success of the census.”

“UNFPA has always called for people-centred and evidence-based policies and strategies, therefore, we believe that the success of this census is imperative for the future of Iraq,” he concluded.


UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, delivers a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

For more information or media inquiries please contact:

Salwa Moussa, Communications Specialist,, 00964 780 917 1035