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Clone of National Adolescents & Youth Survey | Education & Employment [Infographic]

Clone of National Adolescents & Youth Survey | Education & Employment [Infographic]
Clone of National Adolescents & Youth Survey | Education & Employment [Infographic]

Fact Sheet

Clone of National Adolescents & Youth Survey | Education & Employment [Infographic]

Publication date

21 October 2021

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The Ministry of Planning through the Central Statistics Office and Kurdistan Region Statistic Office, and both the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Culture and Youth at the Kurdistan Regional Government, with technical support from UNFPA & UNICEF, launched the National Youth and Adolescent Survey 2019.

The survey aims to provide a modern database that is reliable in developing the National Youth Vision 2020 - 2030. 

This infographic gives insight on education and employment among youth in Iraq.