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COVID-19: A Gender Lens

Technical Reports and Document

Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This needs to be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men. 

Women represent 70 percent of the health and social sector workforce globally and special attention should be given to how their work environment may expose them to discrimination, as well as thinking about their sexual and reproductive health and psychosocial needs as frontline health workers. 

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Humanitarian Action 2020 Overview


The UNFPA Humanitarian Action 2020 Overview describes global needs for women, girls and young people who have been affected by humanitarian crises. It also showcases priorities for UNFPA's global humanitarian action and provides a snapshot of the organization's 2019 achievements.

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Quarterly Update | Issue #7 | UNFPA Iraq


This Quarterly Update summarises the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of October, November, and December 2019.

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Quarterly Update | Issue #6 | UNFPA Iraq


This Quarterly Update summarises the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of July, August, and September 2019.

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Census Newsletter | Issue #1 | UNFPA Iraq


Census Newsletter | Issue #1 | UNFPA Iraq

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Quarterly Update | Issue #5 | UNFPA Iraq


This Quarterly Update summarises the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of April, May, and June 2019

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UNFPA Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021

Technical Reports and Document

Building on achievements and lessons learned from the previous Gender Equality Strategy, this new strategy focuses on strengthening action-oriented institutional accountability and implementing an integrated approach that is rights-based, participatory, people-centred, transformative, evidence and results-based.

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The Assessment of the Needs of & Services Provided to GBV Survivors in Iraq

Technical Reports and Document

The Survivors Needs’ Assessment aims at evaluating the multi-sectoral needs of the GBV survivors, including harmful traditional practices, the nature and capacity of services available and the barriers reported in accessing those services.

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UNFPA Iraq Quarterly Update - #4


This Quarterly Update summarizes the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of January, February, and March 2019

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UNFPA Humanitarian Response in Iraq 2018-2019


In 2019, UNFPA requires US$ 22 million for its humanitarian response to the on-going crisis in Iraq, centred on preserving the dignity and protection of women and girls across the country through its reproductive health and gender-based violence interventions in camps for refugees and internally displaced persons.

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