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State of Iraq Population 2010


This first report, entitled “The State of the Population in Iraq 2010.” depicts a preliminary representation of the demographic situation in Iraq, it paves the way for a comprehensive objective study that constitutes a reliable, scientific, analytical and authoritative base on the size, structure and distribution of the population, thus enhancing knowledge of the vital interrelation between demographic issues.

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Analytical Report of the National Youth Survey


Iraq conducted NYS in cooperation with UNFPA and the PAPFAM of the League of Arab States. NYS provided statistical indicators on various characteristics of young people and their knowledge, attitudes, and practices. 

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Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health Survey


Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health Survey

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State of Iraq Population 2010


This first report, entitled “The State of the Population in Iraq 2010.” depicts a preliminary representation of the demographic situation in Iraq, it paves the way for a comprehensive objective study that constitutes a reliable, scientific, analytical and authoritative base on the size, structure and distribution of the population, thus enhancing knowledge of the vital interrelation between demographic issues.

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United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)


This United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2011-2014 is the first for Iraq, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s recovery and transition towards longer term development.

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Draft country programme document for Iraq


Iraq has a well-educated and skilled population, oil revenues and large amounts of agricultural land. However, three decades of war, internal and government turmoil, economic sanctions, population displacements, ...etc



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Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme and of the United Nations Population Fund


Iraq has a well-educated and skilled population, oil revenues and large amounts of agricultural land. However, three decades of war, internal and government turmoil, economic sanctions, population displacements, the marginalization of women, and a high incidence of mortality and disability have hindered development. Development indicators have deteriorated. Life expectancy dropped from 62.5 years in 1995 to 58 years in 2005. Since 2006, over 1.6 million persons have been internally displaced, and another 2 million sought refuge outside Iraq. Twenty-three per cent of the population lives under the poverty line (36 per cent in rural areas).

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Violence Against Women - VAW


CSO conducted Iraq Women Integrated Social and Health Survey (I-WISH) in July 2011 in cooperation with KRSO, ministry of health, ministry of woman affairs and other relevant public bodies, with support from United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Pan Arab Population and Family Health Project (PAPFAM), as well as WHO, UN-Woman, UNICEF and UNDP.

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Iraq National Youth and Adolescents Survey 2009


COSIT and MoYS launched the NYS to complete demographic and health databases necessary for planners and policy makers, within the framework of preparing the national strategy for youth. NYS was complied in cooperation with KRSO along with the Ministry of Sports and Youth in KRG, and the support provided by UNFPA and PAPFAM.

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