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UNFPA Iraq Quarterly Update - #3


This Quarterly Update summarizes the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of October, November and December 2018. 

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UNFPA Iraq Quarterly Update - #2


This Quarterly Update summarizes the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of July, August, September 2018. 

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The Power of Choice (SWOP 2018)

State of World Population Report

The power to choose the number, timing and spacing of children can bolster economic and social development, new UNFPA report shows.

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UNFPA 2018-2021 Strategic Plan


The strategic plan reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA, the goal of which is universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, focusing on women, adolescents and youth

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The Demographic Survey of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


The survey provides a comprehensive profile of the current population demographics, employment and income, housing, household possessions, literacy and education levels. This socio-demographic study gathered information from 12,699 households, including long term residents and displaced families in the three KRI governorates of Duhok, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah.

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UNFPA Iraq Quarterly Update - #1


This Quarterly Update summarizes the work of UNFPA in Iraq for the months of April, May, June 2018. 

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UNFPA in Iraq - A Year in Review 2017

Annual Report

Conflict and displacement in Iraq have acutely increased the vulnerability of women and girls and put them at higher risk of violence, including sexual exploitation. In 2017, UNFPA ensured the delivery of integrated quality reproductive health services that meet the needs of populations at risk and provided services and trainings to mitigate and respond to gender-based violence and harmful practices, with a special focus on vulnerable women in humanitarian settings.

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Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Material


Awarness Raising flyers on the available services to women and girls through UNFPA supported women centers

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The GBV Assessment in Conflict Affected Governorates in Iraq


Iraq is facing the humanitarian crises and forced displacement since 2013, with
over 250,000 Syrian refugees and about 3.4 million Iraqis internally displaced. The
Iraq crisis is characterized by extreme violence including, Gender-based Violence
(GBV). Women and girls are more at risk and have been the most affected by GBV.
GBV impairs the lives of too many refugees and Iraqi IDPs and presents a major
obstacle to many women and girls achieving their full potential. In the recent Iraq
complex crisis, GBV has been cited by experts, humanitarian actors and development
practitioners as a major impediment to justice, peace and to end poverty.
An effective prevention and response to GBV require a multi-sectoral approach and
ensuring protection and safety for women and girls fleeing their places is critical
for Iraq. The issues raised in the report are useful to all partners working towards
upholding protection of women and ensuring quality services are accessible to
women and girls who need them. It is our hope that the issues raised in the report
will help to improve the availability, accessibility and quality of a multi-sectoral
response to GBV (covering healthcare, legal assistance, psychosocial support,
safety and security) in Iraq delivered by government entities, international and
national NGOs as well as to strengthen the design of GBV prevention and mitigation
interventions. Most importantly, the results presented in the report will support IDP
and refugee communities in developing a dialogue forum with service providers on
accountability and efficient service delivery.
UNFPA, together with all other UN agencies, will continue to engage closely with
government agencies, civil society organisations and other service providers,
including the refugees and IDPs themselves, to ensure safety, protection and dignity
of women and girls are the priority for Iraq humanitarian response.

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IDP & Refugee Dashboard / Aug 2016 - Response analysis


IRAQ GBV SUB-CLUSTER DASHBOARD, IDP & Refugee Dashboard / Aug 2016, Response analysis

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