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Child Marriage In Kurdistan region - Iraq


This fact sheet provides information about the problem of child marriage in the Kurdistan region- Iraq from the legal and societal perspectives and identifies a number of steps necessary for the elimination of child marriage in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Therefore, it includes an overview of the problem context in Kurdistan region-Iraq; the causes of the problem and its consequences on child spouses; analysis of the legal context pertaining to child marriage in Kurdistan region-Iraq; and finally recommendations and suggested policies to address the problem.The applicable methodology for producing this fact sheet includes desk study of the existing legal frameworks and literature related to child marriage in the Kurdistan region-Iraq, in addition to interviews with child spouses, legal experts, state officials, and advocates of children and women’s rights.

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IDP & Refugee Dashboard / July 2016 - Response analysis


IRAQ GBV SUB-CLUSTER DASHBOARD, IDP & Refugee Dashboard / July 2016, Response analysis

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IDP & Refugee Dashboard / June 2016 - Response analysis


IRAQ GBV SUB-CLUSTER DASHBOARD, IDP & Refugee Dashboard / June 2016, Response analysis

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Humanitarian Response Plan - Iraq


During 2015, the Humanitarian Country Team supported the national
effort, preparing one of the most highly prioritized appeals
launched in the region. Partners, supported generously by donors,
have worked around the clock to reach people under siege,
help newly displaced seek safety, provide life-saving support
to families at extreme risk, and deliver assistance to returnees.
Unfortunately, all indicators point to a worsening situation. Iraq,
a country devastated by years of violence and conflict, is experiencing
triple crises—a humanitarian disaster, fiscal collapse
and widespread, paralysing insecurity. Despair among Iraqis
is growing and many are deciding they have no option but to
leave their country.

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UNFPA Role in Sexual Violence in Conflict Survivors: Dohuk Case Study, Iraq


UNFPA believes that every woman and girl has the right to have access to affordable reproductive health care and be effectively protected from gender-based violence. UNFPA and partners are
scaling up efforts to empower and improve the lives of women and youth and impacted communities in host countries, including by advocating for human rights and gender equality, to better
cope with and recover from the crisis.

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Document Advocating Against Teenage Marriage


Globally, 18 years is the legal age of marriage, yet many countries allow individuals younger than 18 to marry if parental and judicial authorities’ consent is provided. More than 30 States allow the marriage of those 15 years of age or younger if their parents’ approval was granted. Furthermore, a large number of countries allow the marriage of girls, under the same conditions mentioned above, at a younger age than those specified for boys, thus demonstrating that the early marriage phenomenon is influenced by gender.

About one third of women in the world are married before the age of 18; furthermore, records show that the highest rate of early matrimony is in South Asia.

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Empowering and Serving Iraqi Women and Youth


Iraq’s geopolitical, institutional and socio-economic developments continue to influence and compound the specific population, youth and gender challenges in Iraq.

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Gender Based Violence Newsletter – IRAQ


In order to strengthen the inter-agency coordination with regard to SGBV, SGBV Working Groups were set up in Baghdad, Domiz and Erbil in April and May 2013. In addition to this, Child Protection, Health/Nutrition and Food security, Protection and Education Working Groups are operational as well as an array of technical working groups. SGBV is also a dominant topic in the Psychosocial Coordination Sub-Working Group in Domiz whereby agencies come together and discuss coordination mechanisms for cases management and strategies for multi-sectoral response to psychosocial issues. 

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Newsletter of the United Nations population Fund in Iraq


State Minister for Women Affairs Heads a Meeting on Integrating VAW Strategy in Sectoral Plans UNFPA organized a meeting headed by Dr. Ibtihal Kasd Al-Zaidi State Minister for Women Affairs, on integrating the national strategy to Combat Violence Against Women (CVAW) in Iraq in sectoral plans of the ministries of Health, Labor and Social Affairs, Education, Interior, and State Ministry for Women Affairs

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Iraq Woman Integrated Social and Health Survey (I-WISH)


Summary Report: This survey is the first survey that addresses women issues on the basis of life cycle approach (adolescence, reproductive, after reproductive and elderly stages) from empowerment, health, reproductive health, violence against women and other relevant social and health dimensions to establish a comprehensive database on Iraqi woman issues across life cycle.

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